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10 essential WordPress plugins for your website or blog

Javier Balcazar
Javier Balcazar
Community Manager and Web Designer with WordPress. He is passionate about the world of Digital Marketing, especially web design and SEO.

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10 Essential WordPress Plugins for Your Blog or Website

Are you lost among the 50,000 plugins that WordPress has? Don’t worry, in this list you will find the 10 that are really worth it and that will be extremely useful for you.

Do you know why WordPress is the most widely used CMS in the world? Along with WordPress templates vietnam data  that allow you to create web pages in a very short time, plugins are another of the tools that make this content manager more popular.

In case you didn’t know, plugins are small applications or code extensions that add fu data analysis, precise optimization nctionality to your website . From creating contact forms to creating an online store.

With them, everything is possible.

Despite the thousands of WordPress plugins out there, not all of them are equally useful or work efficiently. That’s why today I bring you the 10 most used plugins that can help you the most with your website or blog.

Yoast SEO
Without a doubt, for me it is the most important of all the SEO plugins for WordPress . Yoast SEO allows you to configure many parameters of your website related to SEO and guides you on each new page you build to help you rank high on Google results.

Among the most notable functions are:

Change URL slugs so you can include keywords.
Create specific descriptions to optimize the SEO of each page.
Optimize your section titles .
Deindex the sections that do not interest you.
Analyze the SEO quality of all the content you write.

Give you specific On Page SEO strategies for each blog article or page.

FV Antispam
One of the nicest aspects of blogs is the comments and participation of users in the articles. However, there are some who try to take advantage of this means of interaction with the rest of the community to insert advertising . Not to mention the bots that crawl unprotected websites to post automatic spam comments .

To deal with this type of behavior, there are many WordPress plugins. However, the one that has worked best for me has been FV Antispam . You just have to install it and spam comments will stop appearing without even having to configure anything.

BJ Lazy Load
If your website contains a lot of images, it will probably take longer to load than expected. You should avoid slow pages for two reasons:

The first is that users don’t like to wait too long. If a page is slow to load, they simply go back and choose another one that is faster.

The second is that Google doesn’t like slow-loading pages. Nowadays, loading speed is one of the key factors in SEO positioning.

To overcome this problem, I recommend installing the BJ Lazy Load plugin . It only loads the images that are displayed on the screen. The images that are lower down and are not visible until the user scrolls down will not load until the visitor clicks on them .



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