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How to Measure the Performance of Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Juan Pablo Vittori
Juan Pablo Vittori
Freelance Online Marketing Writer and Consultant. First-time father with a keen interest in music and railroads.

Wrote 30 posts


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Key Performance Indicators

When planning your inbound marketing strategy (or attraction marketing), it is essential to clearly define what its KPIs (or Key Performance Indicators) will be . But what are they exactly? Find out in the following post.

What are KPIs?

As we have already explained in a previous post , inbound marketing is here to stay . When we talk about inbound marketing, we talk about:

Web positioning (SEO)
Social networks
Email Marketing
Content Marketing .
Since this is a strategy that involves different content and media, we might think that measuring the results database d  obtained could be somewhat complex. However, the excellent measurement capacity that digital media provides us allows us to more clearly define the key metrics to evaluate the performance of the actions carried out.

How is a KPI defined?
Performance indicators are usually written using the acronym SMART , since they mu we’re in business! vreate a st be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and must cover a certain period of time (Timely).

Web Positioning KPIs

Traffic coming from search engines like Google is becoming increasingly important, so today it is essential to have an updated SEO strategy . If you want to learn more about the different practices to position your website, be sure to read this post .

This is the number and percentage of visits from search engines that complete the cycle on your website by either making a purchase, subscribing to your newsletter, or accomplishing whatever you have defined as your goal.

The flow of money generated from conversions produced by visits from search engines

. Calculate total revenue as well as average revenue per visit.


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