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Start by specifying your marketing objective

Indeed, depending on whether you want: Demonstrate your expertise To be a leader in a particular field Grow your online presence Introduce you to new prospects Have a qualified network Powering your CRM Raise awareness among your target audience about a particular service/product The common thread of your content strategy will differ from one objective to another.

Selection and organization of topics

publications with or without visuals, iraq phone number data carousels, videos, testimonials, tips, feedback… Being aware of your objective on LinkedIn will help you make the right choices and stay on track in your communication. #02-Target a specific audience Once your goal is defined, describe the profile of the people you want to reach on LinkedIn. Manager of a small or large company, technical manager, administrative assistant, sector of activity, specific problems encountered.

Phone Number Data

Don’t hesitate to go into detail

focus on a particular offer. Indeed, the more precise an js allows developers to create idea you have of your target audience and the needs you are meeting, the more impact your messages will have. #03-List your customers’ problems a person taking notes in a notebook For once, a good content strategy addresses topics that speak to your customers, not those that demonstrate your technical skills! An SEO consultant will, for example, have an interest in talking about SEO-related issues such as: lack of visibility.

a website that doesn’t attract the right people a blog dating data that doesn’t convert rather than explaining the basics of natural referencing, netlinking and search engine algorithms that his clients don’t care about! Finally, having a perfect understanding of the issues, obstacles, and false beliefs of your target audience will allow you to constantly feed and renew your LinkedIn content strategy.

Define content pillars The listed issues, group them into 3 to 4 major categories . For example, you can plan posts: Pedagogy: address your target’s problems and false beliefs here with the aim of making them aware of the points that are preventing them from moving forward. Philosophy, approach, values, convictions, methodology: by showing who you are and your way of seeing things, you attract people who are like you. Case studies and customer testimonials: beyond the concrete elements.

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