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Unless you want to keep scrapping

Unless you want to keep scrapping and rebuilding a new system every couple of years, it’s in your interests to crate a flexible modular software design. Modular software allows you to make changes to one component or functionality without having to change everything.

Tightly-coupl components create

A web of technical debt that makes even the smallest changes massive and expensive. Don’t do that to yourself. 6. Try to avoid parallel development If you have a large team it can be tempting to segment them and have them develop parallel branches that you’ll merge later. This is all fine and good but you will spend time and money later on merging them onto a single source base.

Change develop in isolation accrues

It’s usually better in the long run to have your whole team on a single road map. 7. Test suites are absolutely necessary A test suite is a collection of test cases to make sure your software does everything you ne it to do, it is one of the overseas chinese in worldwide data cornerstones of Quality Assurance. To ensure compliance with business requirements, test cases will create the necessary conditions to prompt behaviors in your software that are consider desir or optimal. It’s a great way to search for screw ups.

special data

The real world is NOT a test suite,

When you just throw your system out of the who hasn’t typed something like this nest before it’s test you risk a world of embarrassing malfunctions, system failures, and costly repairs. 8. Be watchful of IT contracting companies Now, I don’t want to knock IT contractors. Most of them will base their business off of providing you the best possible solution so that will continue to con. Itract with them or give them good recommendations.

Also be aware that sometimes

Contractors could skip steps intentionally or mi. Istakenly that will incur technical debt, creating more problems for you and more billable hours for tg data them. The best way to avoid this is to do your research and get to know the clients your potential contr. Iactors have work with.

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