China Data

Searching for trustworthy data about China? Accurate Chinese contacts for lead generation, email marketing, and telemarketing are available in our validated database. With current contact information, you can reach potential clients, grow your market, and increase engagement. Use focused marketing techniques to expand your company’s operations in China. Gain immediate access and begin expanding right now!

Phone Database

The China Data Phone Number List is the ultimate solution for your telemarketing needs. Boasting over 95% accuracy and full GDPR certification, our customer lists are both reliable and compliant. We source data exclusively from verified, authentic channels, ensuring our databases are consistently clean, fresh, and up-to-date. Backed by a dedicated team of experts, we continually enhance the quality of our databases, empowering you to focus on your marketing efforts with confidence. Choose China Data for your database requirements and say goodbye to the challenges of advertising for good.

WhatsApp Database

The China Data WhatsApp Database is the ultimate solution for your telemarketing needs. Boasting over 95% accuracy and full GDPR certification, our customer lists are both reliable and compliant. We source data exclusively from verified, authentic channels, ensuring our databases are consistently clean, fresh, and up-to-date. Backed by a dedicated team of experts, we continually enhance the quality of our databases, empowering you to focus on your marketing efforts with confidence. Choose China Data for your database requirements and say goodbye to the challenges of advertising for good.

Telegram Database

The China Data Telegram Database is the perfect solution for all your telemarketing needs. With over 95% accuracy and full GDPR certification, our customer lists are both reliable and compliant. We gather data exclusively from verified and authentic sources, ensuring our databases remain fresh, clean, and up-to-date. Supported by a team of dedicated experts, we continuously improve the quality of our databases, enabling you to focus confidently on your marketing campaigns. Choose China Data for your database needs and eliminate advertising challenges with ease.


Q. Can this database support any type of business?
A. Yes, our contact database is designed to support businesses across all industries.

Q. Is it possible to customize the contact list based on my budget?
A. Absolutely! You can customize the database to fit your specific needs and budget.

Q. How frequently is the dataset updated?
A. We update our contact database every month to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Q. How soon will I receive the database after purchase?
A. You will receive the database within 24 hours of purchase, provided no unexpected issues arise.

Q. What is the accuracy guarantee of the database?
A. We guarantee a minimum of 95% accuracy for the information provided.

Q. What are the sources of your contact database?
A. Our contacts are collected from reliable online and offline sources, including e-commerce platforms, job sites, shopping sites, and business directories.

Q. In what formats will the data be delivered?
A. The database is delivered in Excel, CSV, and text file formats.

Q. Why do businesses purchase these databases?
A. Businesses use these databases for telemarketing, SMS marketing, and online marketing campaigns to boost their outreach and grow their customer base.

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