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Only a few managers seriously prepare for meetings with clients

The majority ignore this important stage, which significantly reduces the percentage of closed deals. If you do not determine the client’s needs in advance, it is difficult to successfully refute objections, competently answer all questions and convince of the need to buy.

Effective preparation before the meeting allows you to more confidently present a product or service and better focus on important points for the client.

Do not meet customer expectations

Customer satisfaction depends on how much reality matches peru phone number library their expectations. If managers promise more than they can deliver, customers are disappointed. Experienced salespeople try not to create unreasonable expectations. They understand that a disappointed customer is unlikely to return for new purchases.

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They sell the product, not the customer’s benefit

Customers are usually not interested in how long a company has been around or how many awards its managers have won. Technical details of a product can also bore them. However, they may be interested in how exactly your product will help them meet their needs.

Different companies and even different people within direct transactions between customers a company have different needs. A manager should sell not to the company as a whole, but to a specific person. If he or she can talk about the specific benefits that the client will receive from the purchase, this will significantly increase the chances of successfully closing the deal.

They don’t analyze the results

Managers are often focused on fulfilling their personal sales plan. They strive for certain indicators: sales volume, number of goods or concluded contracts. Their main goal is to achieve these indicators and receive bonuses.

However, many do not analyze why some sales were snbd host successful and others were not. Analyzing successful and unsuccessful deals helps to identify weaknesses and understand how to correct existing mistakes in sales.

Answering machine

It often happens like this: a client asks a question, a manager gives an answer, and if the client does not ask anything else, the dialogue ends. To keep the communication going, the manager must ask a question at the end of his message.

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