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A video description helps search engines understand

Giveaway. These announcements can be a hit if our goal is for as many people as possible to find out about our page, like or follow it and finally participate in the gift campaign.

All we need to do is to write

An announcement for the upcoming Giveaway south korea phone number library post that will soon be on our page in the copy that goes with the post and invite fans to take action.  A simple comment “If you liked my video, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel” will be enough. Bonus tip – Use a competitor to work for you.

Have you ever had videos from one channel appear

in searches over and over again? Whatever term you typed in, that channel would have a specific video that it ranked with on the first page. Wondering how to use it to your advantage? The next time

Something to end. YouTube is an incredibly powerful

This is perhaps one of the most important things in SEO YouTube optimization , which is often neglected. I usually see people leave this field blank, or barely put a few words in it, just to make fun of the form.

YouTube wants to know what’s in your video.

A video description helps search engines understand what your video is about and rank it accordingly. When creating a description  for a video, be guided by the following items: Put your website link at the very top of the description.

VERY IMPORTANT how you increase visits to the site

Your keyword should be in the first 25 words of the description. Ideally, the description should contain 300+ words. Include your keyword at least 3 times in the description, but also don’t overdo it. Tip 4 – Create an interesting thumbnail.

After you have technically optimized your video


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It needs to be visually optimized to incident response plan (irp) get people to click on it. This is a similar situation to the cover of a book. No matter how good the content of the book might be, if the cover is boring and poorly done, we won’t even notice that book. How many times have you noticed a book just because of its cover? The video thumbnail is the cover of your video and in many cases it is the trigger that will make people watch your video or skip it.

What does a good thumbnail look like ?

Here are some rules for what a good thumbnail looks like: He uses a lot of colors It has text that further describes the video He shows a alb directory close-up of his face It has a specific design that is followed throughout the channel.

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