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Choose the right keywords


Before doing Google SEO ranking, choosing the right keywords is a critical link! There is a common misunderstanding here, that is, many companies directly choose core words when choosing keywords at the beginning, such as “clothing”, ” ucation”, “milk powder” and other industry core words with particularly large search volumes. These words are also call general words. Although they seem to have a particularly large search volume, it is difficult to rank. If you choose such keywords at the beginning of

Google SEO ranking optimization

not only will a lot of resources be consum and no ranking will be made. Can’t bring traffic to the website, it will also make your boss or leader question your ability! The best strategy should be the “product name + core word” approach. For example, words like “Abbott 1 stage milk powder” are relatively easier to do in the process of Google SEO ranking optimization, and the traffic brought is accurate traffic. When the long-tail words have a certain ranking, we can choose some core words to do, and the traffic brought by the long-tail words will drive the ranking of the core words!

In short, choosing keywords requires strategy. First, choose some long-tail keywords, and then use the long-tail keywords to boost the ranking of core keywords! This way, you will have both ranking and traffic!

We ne to know that the biggest role

of internal link optimization is to r uce the user’s bounce bc data hong kong  rate and increase the user’s stay time in the web page. The second is to increase the crawling depth and frequency of spiders. Many people only remember one of these points, so when doing internal links, they just add them randomly, which is obviously wrong!

Special data

Internal link optimization ne s to

pay attention to the relevance of the page, that is, only the risk of greater losses pages of the same type can add internal links, so that the relevance between pages is high. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the natural appearance of internal links! Avoid being material data  too abrupt to affect reading and user experience.

4. On-site interaction helps improve rankings

If there is a message section on the website and more interactions are conduct with users, these are all evidence of user activity and satisfaction, which can be beneficial to the website’s ranking in search engines!

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