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How to build an attractive employer image?

These are valuable tips for employers who want to be competitive on the labor market. Are you hiring? Find out what employer branding is and how to build an attractive employer image to attract the best employees.

What is Employer Branding – Definition and Meaning

The term employer branding comes from English and literally means employer brand . The definition of employer branding may sound as follows: it is all the actions taken by a company to create a favorable image of the employer. That is, one take telegram advertising service to which candidates apply by choice, not by necessity.

The employer branding strategy should be well thought out, developed and implemented . Building a positive image of the company as an employer influences its later perception not only by potential employees and current employees, but also by investors, partners and even customers.

Types of Employer Branding – external and internal

Where to start building an employer image? First, it is worth realizing that employer branding is about creating a reputation both within and outside the company environment. For this reason, employer branding activities are divided into two types: internal employer branding and external employer branding.

The benefits of conducting activities in each of these areas complement each other . Satisfied employees are the best ambassadors for the workplace, who are happy to recommend it to friends outside the company. In turn, when a company, for example, gets involved in initiatives related to the local community, it also gains additional recognition in the eyes of current employees.

Employer external branding – building the employer brand outside the company

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The concept of employer branding is closely related to the term recruitment marketing . We use it to describe activities aimed at increasing interest in a job offer . This is a complementary part of external employer branding, i.e. building the employer’s brand in the eyes of job seekers, but also clients or contractors. The tasks of people responsible for recruitment marketing include managing the Career page on the company website, selecting channels for publishing job offers, building a talent network, defining ideal employee personas, conducting recruitment campaigns or generating leads.

External employer branding is a somewhat broader and long-term issue, which also includes, for example :

  • organizing the company’s participation in job fairs,
  • participation in initiatives that serve employees and the environment locally and globally (CSR – corporate social responsibility),
  • an active presence in social media, where you will provide up-to-date information about brand values ​​and the benefits of being your it will start tracking your employee (EVP – Employee Value Proposition), as well as activities that affect the reputation of your brand in the industry.

Through social media and your website you can :

  • provide knowledge about the recruitment and onboarding process;
  • share impressions from company events , training sessions, conferences or integration trips;
  • talk about introduced innovations , investments made, use of state-of-the-art tools, etc.;
  • cite stories of individual employee promotions and successes;
  • present charts and consumer data graphs illustrating the company’s development and market potential ;
  • talk about the beginnings of the brand in the context of consistency in pursuing set goals;
  • present standards for eliminating inequalities through, for example, facilities for people with disabilities;
  • publish current job offers ;
  • share photos and videos showing the interior and infrastructure of the office or plant;
  • explain the remuneration and bonus system ;
  • write about the non-wage benefits or social support provided;
  • organize competitions for customers and followers.
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