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How to Create a Site Search Using JavaScript

Why is JS site search needed and how does it work
Using the search bar, users can quickly find the information they need. They do not need to manually browse pages and waste time scrolling through products that are not interesting. This is especially important for sites with a lot of content, such as online stores or news portals. The search function reduces the information load on the user and helps them achieve their goals with minimal effort.

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Learn more about smart search from REES46

Technically, the search bar can work in different ways, depending on the complexity of the implementation and the amount of data. In the simplest case, it is carried out on the client side using JavaScript. This approach is effective for small sites.

Where the search is performed quickly and does not require extensive server calculations.

In more complex cases, for example, for large sites, an algorithm using databases or external search engines is needed. The mechanics of work are as follows:

The user enters a request.
The request is sent to the server, which performs a search in the database.
The server returns the results to the visitor.

Implementation of the search bar for the Evrika online store by REES46

Main components

Creating the search functionality on the site contains several key blocks:

Search bar: HTML <input> element for entering a query.
Search button: HTML <button> or <input type=»submit»> for submitting the form.
The components work together to allow the user to enter queries, send them for processing and receive results in a convenient and understandable form. This is a simple but effective mechanism that can be easily integrated into any site.

Creating a search using HTML and CSS
HTML and CSS are the basis of web development, which helps to how to increase conversion rates in an online store with rees46 tools correctly structure and format the search bar.

HTML is responsible for the content of the page and its structure, but not its appearance.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style language that allows you to by lists  design HTML pages. CSS determines how elements should look on the screen: color, size, fonts, indents, location.

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