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How to make a site search in HTML

Site search is an important component for every web resource. It makes it easier and more convenient for users to find the materials or products they need. In e-commerce, search algorithms that take personalization into account help increase the average bill and sell more.

In this article

we will tell you how to make a site search in HTML and what it should be like to perform its functions well.

Three components are important for creating a good search:

If the search is inconvenient or does not understand what the user oman phone number datav wants at all, he will most likely simply close the site

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and go to a competitor. For example, sometimes search algorithms cannot work with.

Typos or do not find a word if the declensions in the query and in the material differ.

Each area has its own requirements for the convenience of search. For example, for a news site, it is important to have a filter by publication time.

An example of a search on a large news portal

In an online store, the search engine is expected to provide relevant results taking into account the client’s previous queries and other actions.

For example, on sites with REES46 search, the user.

Only needs to put the cursor in the line — and he sees personalized recommendations and previously viewed ones. And when he starts entering a query, the main field immediately displays products that match the query, taking into account personalization, availability in the selected city and other algorithms, and in the sidebar, hints, categories, thematic collections and other sections appear depending on the settings.

How does REES46 quick search work
A page with the most relevant results is displayed for the query, sorted by master the complete guide to google my business popularity, price and other parameters. If the user has entered a specific category of goods, then he will receive such a selection only for this category. Personalization works here too: for example, if the Customer Data Platform has information that the buyer wears size M, clothes of this size will be higher in the search results.

Two components are responsible for the search: <input> and <submit>. The first is a text field by lists in which the user enters a query. The second is a button. It runs a script that displays the query results. Or the query is sent to the server, where further processing takes place.

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