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How to plan your 2015 online marketing strategy calendar

Juliana Monacchi
Juliana Monacchi
Content Manager at FromDoppler. He loves reading, travelling, and whatsapp data  going to the theatre. He dreams of learning to play the drums.

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Marketing Calendar 2015

One year ends and another much better one begins. Have you already outlined your marketing strategy for the coming year? If you haven’t done so yet, we’ll tell you what you should take into account.

The end of a year is usually a time of nostalgia and excitement, but at the same time it is a more than opportune time to take stock of what has been done : the goals you have achieved and those you have not yet achieved, and to sit down and define strategies for the coming year .

What has worked? What do you need to improve soon? And what new ideas have you had to expand your business? Answering these questions will help you define your action plan. It is also important to have a calendar at hand when you do this , as it will allow you to know which dates are the best to carry out your actions and thus increase your sales.

We know you’re tired after a year of hard work

But Marketing is like that, it never rests. Cheer up! Designing a calendar that brings together your actions will allow you to:

Step #2: Define your target audience
Having a clear idea of ​​your audience’s qualities will make your job easier. If you know who you are add crawler data   ressing, your messages will be more effective . What interests them and what doesn’t? What communication channels do they use? Make use of all the analytical tools at your disposal to interpret the results of previous actions.

One of the marketing trends of 2015 will be the hyper-personalization of strat need to Know is what job you egies . This means that you will have to make use of Big Data , which involves gathering all the data you have about your audience, interpreting it and using it to design your actions focused on specific segments . This will allow you to reach your customers in a personalized way and with better results.


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