Anyone who has started their own channel in Telegram wants to promote it without unnecessary expenses, quickly and effectively. There are many ways to promote, both free and paid, but which way is right for your channel depends on many factors. Today we will tell you about 11 working ways to promote a Telegram channel from scratch.
Specifics of working with Telegram
Today, Telegram is used as a full-fledged social network, where people stay in touch with each other, discuss work, read news or highly specialized content, and follow their favorite bloggers. But as for the tools for developing your own channel, telegram blast has significant differences from VK or other social networks:
- the audience is most often focused on short information posts or expert content;
- publications are not distributed through a recommendation system, such as in VK;
- the cost of channel promotion is significantly higher than promotion in other social networks. But audience involvement is currently much higher;
- To find a channel with the necessary content, it is not enough to enter a request into the search. You have to go to specialized catalog sites, look for suitable projects in collections.
All of the above seriously complicates the promotion of the TG channel. Fortunately, there are working methods that answer the question “how to promote a telegram channel” and we have compiled instructions that will help you promote your project.
The service is gaining popularity all over the world. Today, it is used by more than 700 million people, and the platform’s functionality is constantly expanding. The sharp growth of the audience has attracted the interest of advertisers, which in turn has formed a new advertising niche and made a promoted channel in Telegram an excellent way to earn money.
This topic is interesting not only for bloggers and media personalities, but also for those involved in online retail, promotion of goods and services. Every large Russian brand strives to form its own telegram community (an excellent example is Alfa-Bank).
Most often, channels are developed in order to:
- to form a community of loyal audience;
- promote content posted on other resources (YouTube, website, etc.);
- make money by placing ads.
Advantages of promotion: what does promotion of a telegram channel give?
There are several reasons to promote a channel and spend effort, time and resources on it. Let’s note the main and most important ones.
New subscribers, readers
It’s a shame when your interesting (and certainly expert) posts are read by a couple of friends and colleagues. All motivation disappears, because without promotion the audience grows slowly. Attracting new subscribers with the help of various tools will help keep the fire in the author’s eyes.
Earnings from selling advertising
Channels with an audience of over 1,000 readers appointment reminders via sms: the ideal solution are becoming attractive to advertisers. An advertising post on a promoted channel can cost from one to a hundred thousand rubles. The cost of advertising depends on the number of subscribers, the larger the channel, the more expensive the publication. But today advertisers look at higher-quality metrics: reach, citation, ERR, and others. You won’t be able to wind up subscribers and make good money:)
Promoting your own business
A promoted channel in TG is a ready-made platform for selling goods and services. On a channel about sports, you can sell sports nutrition and clothing, on a channel about investments, promote real estate, etc. A loyal subscriber of the channel is a potential client for your business.
Where to start promotion in Telegram
It is not enough to attract an audience – you need to be able to retain it. Therefore, before investing time and money in promoting the channel, you need to take care of the following things:
Inviting friends and colleagues
The first thing you should start with is new life agrovet inviting everyone in your phone book to the channel. It is advisable to publish a few cool posts before this point, so that people understand that it will be interesting/useful/educational/funny here.
You can add a maximum of 200 people from your contacts (the number of participants is not limited for groups). But your acquaintances may be far from the target audience, they will support you at first, but after some time, they will probably merge. Another thing is when it comes to a corporate Telegram channel – colleagues will never leave you alone.