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KPIs in Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Delivery Rate:
It is represented by the quantity and/or percentage of  . A emails that actually reached our subscriber’s inbox . It is a good reference for the quality of your database and your email marketing service .

Opening Rate:
This corresponds to the number and/or percentage of emails that were opened out of the total number sent in your campaign. It represents a good indicator of the interest you generate in your target audience and the . A  quality of the subj advertising database ect you defined for your campaign.

Click Rate:

advertising database
CTR (Click-Through Rate). Indicates the number and/or percentage of clicks made on the links included in your website. This indicator is key to measuring the level of interest that your content or the pieces you send have aroused in  . A your subscribers, as well as the effectiveness of the calls to action or  . CTAs (Calls to Action) that you have chosen.

Conversion Rate:

How many sales/subscriptions/requests for more information, etc. were generated on my website after sending my campaign? This KPI will answer your question. To do this, it is essential that the statistics of both media ( . A marketing and website) are integrated with each other .

Doppler offers you detailed information about your campaign, includin . A g these and other database d  performance indicators, through its sta. Av tistical reports integrated with Google Analytics . This way, you can make decisions based on results.
Get a free account now!

Content Marketing KPIs

Content Marketing

Unique Visits:
Compare different types of posts to determine which type of content is most interesting . A based on the number of visits generated by the new published post or the new page added to your website. Need more information about  my free report free tools unique visits? Don’t miss this post .

Geographic Location:

Knowing the geographic location of most of your visitors will allow you to adapt the style, tone and type of information to the profile of your target audience . To find out, create a Google Analytics account and register your site.




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