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Lead warming: how and why to do it

The issue of attracting traffic is very acute. In any niche, there are many competitors who are fighting for their customers, investing hundreds of thousands of rubles to attract people to the site or social networks. And the cost is constantly growing, regardless of how you do it. Marketing is becoming brighter, more colorful, more complex – and, of course, more expensive.

But attracting

customers is only the first step. In order for them to become regular customers, you need to effectively warm them up – lead them to the sale.

Warming up leads is a strategically important process for establishing a greece phone number data connection and creating trusting relationships with potential customers.

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What is a lead
A lead is a potential client who has shown interest in a company’s product or service. This is a person or organization that can be at any stage of interaction: from awareness of the need to a repeat purchase.

Most often, this term is used in relation to those who have recently performed a target action. For example, subscribed to social networks or a company newsletter.

Leads can be divided according to several characteristics. For example, targeted and non-targeted. These are two categories of potential customers that differ in the degree to which their needs and interests match the company’s product or service. They play an important role in building the warm-up process. For example, if a furniture store invested in advertising on social networks, and only schoolchildren subscribed to its channel, then these are non-target leads. Let’s take a closer look at how to distinguish them from each other.

Target leads

Potential buyers who meet certain criteria and qualifications. They are interested in the product and are more likely to perform the target action. And their warm-up requires fewer resources, because they are already ready to buy what you offer.

Non-target leads
Potential clients who are unlikely to become buyers. They may show how to increase conversion rates in an online store with rees46 tools interest in the product or service, but for various reasons do not fit the ideal candidate. Non-target leads have a low probability of successful conversion, they require additional effort and financial investments for warming up.

In addition, leads are divided into cold, warm and hot. The semantic by lists load of warming up often depends on what type it is designed for, so it is important to correctly qualify people and segment the base.

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