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Or using the Internet of Things to keep connected

Or using the Internet of Things to keep connected, but connected to what? It should not be about technology, for technology’s sake, it is about achieving the goals your community sets for itself, and looking at the obstacles (or villains) that are stopping it from achieving these goals. If your goal is to be the healthiest community, what is stopping you?

Dubai described their approaches to

Building a smart community. A stand out was Dubai who described the purpose of their smart city was to become the “Happiest City on Earth.” They even noted they extended this mission to a colony on Mars. I’m not joking. Their smart approach was to fight off villains that hindered them from achieving this designation.

They acknowledged they needed a

Balance of people, policy, benchmarks, and technology. Other communities are recognizing the need for this balance as well. City of Riverside, California, Loudoun County, Virginia, City of Los Angeles, California and the State of Hawaii are ig database using a GeoHub to present their villains, like homelessness, unemployment, and opioid abuse, to engage departments, citizens, business, and nonprofits to combat these problems as one.

special data

Think of a Geo Hub as a Justice League

Smart communities. Beyond every GeoHub there are 6 foundational pillars you need to provide for to build a smart community: Organize your data overview of reporting and data export features Improve operational efficiency Improve civic engagement Develop a “Mobile First” mindset Provide the tools for data-driven decisions Set up the infrastructure for IoT Let’s all agree government is more like Batman than Superman.

Any person passionate about their

Community, looking to do good in the world, who tg data probably needs a bit of assi. Istance from a high-tech tool or technology, can do their part to fight the forces of evil. Will you ans. Iwer the call?In addition to my full-time job with a large government employer, I teach part-time in a coll. Iege program for university graduates who want to get into public service.