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The main thing you ne to know about the work

I  of a backend developer is that they create the invisible part of the server code. That is, if a frontend developer develops the external design of a site, which can be easily seen, then a backend developer creates elements that allow the user to give certain commands and receive system responses to them. The server code ensures that the information request by the user is receiv. As a rule, the work of a backend developer is to combine databases and the frontend into a single whole.

The essence of the work of a Backend developer

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The essence of the work of a Backend developer
Figuratively speaking, the front-end developer is a salesperson who sh updated 2024 mobile phone number data ows various monitor models in a store, and the back-end developer is a storekeeper who will ship you the select device from the warehouse. O ke this article: on the site you can see information about the date of its publication, the number of views, user ratings, image sources, etc. All this information is stor on the server.

In general, a backend developer develops system components that do not have their own interface. Compiling database d  server code, working with databases, creating APIs, writing libraries – all these areas are the responsibility of backend developers.

Also a back-end developer must solve

other complex problems, and the more successfully he does this, the higher his value to the employer. Code is only one of the tools for such activities. He also uses programming language, web standards, design patterns, and experience ga this brady has earn more in by other programmers.
But the main task of the backend developer is writing code. For this, Python can be us. Which is very easy to learn, rs. Experienc programmers can also write in JavaScript, using Node.js, Perl or Ruby, but this method is quite complex.

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