So let’s prepare ourselves for scenarios like in the film “Her” (2013)! in which the protagonist Joaquine Phoenix falls in love with Samantha! an artificial intelligence . which predicted that! within two years! the voice assistants Siri! Google Assistant or Alexa will become “normal” interlocutors. Chatbots fit into this panorama of human-machine interaction. Chatbot: the Millenials revolution Millennials! unlike their parents! do not like direct contact with other people to solve their problems.
Chatbots are a possible answer for several reasons
They prefer online or automatic purchasing germany telegram data solutions and customer services based on artificial intelligence software. Gratification of receiving a guaranteed response Fast interaction times without waiting / queues On average they offer you a Solution Possibility to use them in Multitask mode This trend also concerns the baby boomer generation! which finds in chatbots the “quick solution” to problems that can arise in a standard online purchasing process which is in fact depersonalised of the human aspect.
The chatbot business is on the rise
Chatbots will replace apps : in the last year it was valued at $190 million. Investments in the sector will grow to allow bots to support more complex and non-canonical interactions! with a direct improvement in the user experience and reuse rate. Microsoft! Google ! Amazon and Facebook have understood it: chatbots will be an ingredient of the future in both online and offline customer support.
What will be the next steps
Xiaoice ! Alexa! Siri and Cortana (which are voice assistants with a back-end in some cases similar to chat bots) are literally learning to know individual consumers and people as a whole! thanks to interactions and continuous listening also when we don’t want it. Facebook The statistics are clear: the future of social networks is chat : in 2016 the number of active monthly users on messaging apps exceeded that on social media.
Not only on Facebook Messenger
Facebook’s goal for the medium term is to household goods introduce chatbots directly into conversations between users . If you are talking to your friends about travel plans! a movie or! for example! you need to book a taxi! a chatbot could enter the conversation to “help” you complete a task that has advertising value for the most famous social network. but also on the other chats that Zuckerberg owns! first of all WhatsApp (which! currently! is less well-launched on the bot side than Telegram ).
Amazon and Google Meanwhile
Chatbots will soon be an item on the balance dating data sheet of large companies that will invest in this sector to standardize customer support. In practice! Facebook Messenger will allow – first of all the Big 4 of digital – to intervene directly in users’ chats both to optimize their service and to improve their lead generation strategy. Microsoft! Microsoft is working on Conversation! a platform capable of responding to any request made via voice command.