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Their nes for less of them do not

In short, Buddhist economics seeks to maximize human satisfaction with the help of optimal consumption models, and modern economics seeks to maximize consumption with the help of optimal production models,” Schumacher diagnoses. He believes that since material resources are not unlimit, people who satisfy  have to engage.

In a “battle” for resources – and, therefore

Their local self-sufficient communities are more sustainable, be it a village or an entire city. This leads to an important conclusion: production from local resources and for local nes is the most rational way of economic existence . “But wait,” you might say. “Transportation is never profitable!” And you’d be right, but only partly.

Transporting resources or goods is always a cost

But we shouldn’t forget that this is a natural path of development for large companies that have already captur the local market and want to investor database grow further. This insatiable desire for endless growth is another weak point that Schumacher sees in big business.


investor database


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How Entrepreneurship Will Develop in 2024 » “Small” is not just more profitable for everyone. It is also convenient, humane and more manageable. And this is also the strength of small business. Schumacher notes that we all live in the false how to make an attractive LinkedIn profile belief that something big is a priori more successful. However, the tendency is that even giant companies are breaking up or trying to create small projects; for example, the well-known giant.

General Motors has over time become more of

A feration of individual firms. And such a decision is entirely justifi: small projects are easier to manage and easier to win over consumers. But the author also emphasizes the duality of our demands: we want the freom of many small autonomous units, but also the orderliness inherent in large-scale forms. “Today people suffer almost everywhere from tg data an excessive worship of gigantism. It is therefore necessary to insist on the advantages of smallness.

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