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Way Even New Web Resources

By the way, even new web resources almost always require optimization. Therefore, we recommend doing it at the stage of website development. But not all web developers do this. And customers, due to ignorance, do not pay due attention to this issue. The result is that you have to pay more and spend additional time.Link profile. If the site is not new, it most likely already has a certain link profile. And it is not always high-quality.

It Happens That the Previous

For example, it happens that the previous optimizer massively purchased links from bad sites. This approach not only does not give positive results, it can even harm. Therefore, it is also extremely important to analyze the link profile and assess the risks of the site falling under search filters. And here is another nuance. Many SEO studios make forecasts simply to demonstrate to the client what results can be achieved in theory . We have a slightly different goal – to determine the restraining factors that at this stage slow down the growth of traffic and conversion of the resource.

We Want Not Just to

That is, we want not just to show you how it can be , but to determine what work needs to be done to achieve results.Why we never rely gambling data japan solely on the current state of the client’s siteIt would seem that we have everything we need on hand. We know what positions the site pages occupy in the search, what keywords and phrases they are promoted by, what the link mass is at the current moment, and so on.

special database

Seo Specialist From Using This

What prevents an SEO specialist from using this data as a basis?Well, nothing can stop a bad specialist. But a good one — how! The thing is that the current state of a site is the result of a huge number of factors and circumstances that are impossible to see “here and now”. Therefore, our task is to study the history of nielsen global trust in advertising survey promotion. For example, to see how traffic indicators changed during the period of implementation of new search engine updates, whether there were any abnormal fluctuations in previous periods, whether there are seasonal changes in traffic, and so on.

Fluctuations Signal That It is

Sometimes such fluctu consumer data ations signal that it is necessary to conduct a thorough page-by-page analysis, to detect pages with outdat content and even those that act as “cannibals” (this is a situation when the same keys are us on different pages and one of the pages “eats” the traffic of others).Only by taking into account the historical data of the site can we truly comprehensively approach the solution of subsequent tasks:Identify growth points.Get rid of technical optimization problems.

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