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We want to learn about it

Valeria: I would like to launch a blog on the website: it has probably been “on the shelf” for a year now. We have expertise and want to share it with our partners and colleagues. For example, talk about the technical aspects of production: what glazes can be us, how safe everything is; talk about our collaborations with.

Saratov artists, introduce their work

All entrepreneurs who run coffee shops also have a very interesting path –  and tell about it on our website. And also talk about our love for Saratov. We want to connect the brand with our city, so that only the best, beautiful and interesting things about it are learn through us.

Go to the village and bake gingerbread:

How a St. Petersburg resident popularizes Izborsk gingerbread in the Pskov region February 26, 2024 ” Izborsky gingerbread ” is both a unique handmade souvenir and the first print gingerbread workshop in the Pskov region with a paytm database museum next door. The project was conceiv and brought to life by.


paytm database


Tatyana Musatova, who mov from

St. Petersburg to the village of Brod almost 13 years ago. We talk with Tatyana about what makes people leave the big city for the village and how to how to use soft selling in marketing open a business there so that you can carry out a high mission and not complain about profits. Masha Kokourova Masters Text: Masha Kokourova You graduat from St. Petersburg.

State University and, it turns out, liv in

St. Petersburg for more than one year. But you mov to the village of Brod. Why? Yes, I graduat from St. Petersburg State University, I have two honors degrees a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in restoration, then I work as a design manager: we tg data were involv in the restoration of the antique halls of the New Hermitage and the halls of the grand ducal tomb in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

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