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Working in Digital Marketing

 I contribute / have contributed to the online growth of companies that thrive on digital such as Booking! Rentalcars! Genertel! Springer to name a few. Several professionals I have worked with have evaluated my work on the Ale Agostini Linkedin profile. how to get started! roles and skills required STAY UPDATED ON DIGITAL CONTENTS YouTube LinkedIn Facebook Many professionals think that the Home Page is the most important page on the site.

SEO training held at a client


 It is not so! The belief arises from the fact cambodia telegram data  that it is believed that the customer begins browsing from the home page and moves down to the various sublevels: data in hand! if the site is well organized on the SEO side and has many pages! the home page is a gateway hub. Siloing and SEO During an  I explained the concept of the silo for SEO (see image above)! showing the structure of a large site.

Initially I didn’t understand the question!

 At a certain point a valid digital marketing professional asks me the question: ” but if we organize a site in this way! the user will get tired starting from the home page and will not reach the specific contents of the different levels “.  then I understood where the misunderstanding was: we professionals look at our site carefully and completely! while the end customer who searches for an answer on search engines lands on the specific content page without necessarily going through the home as indexing goes at URL level not domain.

Especially if you browse on mobile

 The user is rarely interested in looking at the entire site! from the home page to the last level of the silo! but simply wants the specific page he needs immediately.  For many reasons the home page is the page to which the most attention and work is dedicated! but in reality the home is the Gate! the square! from which it should be easy to find the primary links for the macro sections of the site.

Google analytics of 2 sites

 Table % organic traffic home vs other improve messages pages: site with or without SEO If we look carefully at the data in the table taken from (one that has done SEO well and one that needs to do it – both are brands of medium fame)! we will notice that the organic traffic on the home page of the optimized domain is 16 % of the total! while the remaining 84% of sessions go to specific pages.

Ready for GDPR Geddon?

 This is because! generally! the home page dating data collects brand SEO traffic! while the various product and category pages collect visits from search engines for more specific and targeted queries. Siloing is essential to best structure the SEO of a large site and make the most of all the content for brand and generic queries. After the Cookies law! here’s the fun for summer 2018: starting from May 25! 2018 you have to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union which will impact various aspects of your site including measurements and Google Analytics data processing.


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