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You’ll be astonished how quickly

You’ll be astonished how quickly business can get handled and everyone back to their day. Move around. Laptops are meant to be portable so, port them. Change your scenery to another room, a break area or conference room. Not only will you get up and move, but the visual stimuli will enhance the creative thought process.

Rig a standing desk Wherever your

Computer is located, grab some bed risers, phone books or whatever and create a standing desk situation. Have a counter-height chair standing by for fatigue. Buy a standing desk. There are a number of “add-on” products, build-it-yourself products and turnkey motorized products that will transform a traditional desk to a standing desk of various heights at the flip of a switch.

A good floormat is key A standing desk

Perhaps gel-filled, floormat is asking for fatigue without as much the health benefit. With a good mat, you might pay for it up front, but you’ll stand longer and therein lies the benefit. Important safety tip. Have you ever accidentally snagged the power and peripheral cords of your beautiful 27-inch iMac under the foot hardware of an adjustable overseas chinese in usa data credenza and watched in horror as the whole rig slid off the back of the furniture in slow motion, just out of reach, before crashing to the floor with an expensive and heart-rending thud? I’m asking for a friend. Anyway … be sure your cords are clear.

special data

If you live in a place like Amsterdam,

Where everyone owns 2.5 bicycles, a standing desk incident response plan (irp) might be a redundancy. However, if you live in a less-than-temperate climate like Texas, where you would melt into the asphalt if you tried to bike to work in July, standing at your computer or getting out and about in your building can be easier than you think. Tom Bryson is part of the GovLoop Featured Blogger program, where we feature blog posts by government voices from all across the country (and world!).

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Boring, a job for lazy people, routine, behind the times, and thankless … all descriptions an outsider might use to describe what it’s like to work in tg data government. Sure, things like urban planning, economic development, public works, human services, health, and code enforcement are lack luster if you don’t know government. But to insiders, elected officials and government workers are anonymous superheroes working to ward off villains that threaten to destroy the communities we live in.