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Of the Facts and the

Description of the facts and the rights that are considered violated.If any, documents that serve . As support for the facts mentioned.How to file a complaint with the insurance company?The law . Has not foreseen a procedure in particular, the affected party can process his complaint in . Writing before the insurance company and this, in accordance with its policies, will inform about . The term and procedures that will be provided to respond to the concern.

Is the Financial Consumer

What is the . Financial consumer ombudsman?It is a figure that all insurers must have, its function is to . Serve as a mediator to resolve in an objective, free and impartial manner the conflicts . That may arise between the clients and the insurance company.How to file a complaint with . The financial consumer ombudsman?Complaints with the consumer advocate must be submitted in writing; they can . Be sent directly to your office or filed at the insurer’s branches or agencies.

It is the Obligation

It . Is the obligation of the insurance company to inform who the financial consumer ombudsman is . And the contact information so that clients can submit their requests.Once the defender receives the . Complaint, he will have a period of no more than three () days to respond . Whether or not he is competent to deal with it or if he physician database requires more . Information; if this is the case, the interested party will have eight business days to .

special data

Deliver the Information When the Defender

Deliver the information.When the defender or using the internet of things to keep connected accepts the consumer’s request, he will ask the insurer to . Explain his actions in a maximum of eight () days. Once the insurer sends the . Information requested by the defender, he will evaluate it and resolve the complaint within a . Maximum canada data period of eight () days. The defender will communicate the decision made to the . Client and the insurer one business day later.

A Financial Consumer Ombudsman Have

Does a financial consumer ombudsman have conciliation powers?Yes. The financial reform of states that the ombudsman is oriented towards the special protection of . Financial consumers and that the ombudsman must act as a conciliator between them and the . Insurance company.The reconciliation function should be considered mandatory and should be available as an option . To the financial consumer on a permanent basis.How does the conciliation mechanism proceed?The consumer and .

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