Comrades, comrades, gentlemen and ladies. It seems that calls to subscribe to your TG channel no longer work. I will briefly describe my channel in Telegram thoughts in this micro post. If this also irritates you, then we are like-minded.
I myself am not without sin
Hi, Misha Kuzmin is in touch. Yes, I am not without sin – a couple of times I posted my take telegram advertising service channel. It did not give a damn. Maybe it works for Pasha in finance, maybe for someone else in the broad topics it also works, but it did not work for me. So I stopped doing it. And thank God!
Why doesn’t it work?
Nobody cares about you (us). Let’s be honest, in general you/we are not interesting to the general masses. They are interested in news, shocks, trends (maybe), but nobody cares about your telegram channel about investments and your genius.
Yes, it may take more time, but people will find out about you. As an example, there is a telegram channel about startups called “The Dark Side” of Moreinis. People share it, throw interesting thoughts to their like-minded people. There are about 100k subscribers. There is even a paid subscription (I unsubscribed from the channel and stayed on it). He writes well and interestingly, for his target audience – those who are in the IT business and think about startups. He writes well, regularly and usefully.
Telegram channel noise
Nowadays, any entrepreneur already has his own TG channel. This means that, in principle, the niche is already super competitive. Everyone has plus or minus one type of content. In short, crap.
I don’t argue, yes, stars still appear, but they are super rare. And usually you find out about them anyway.
What to do?
Nothing, and that’s the coolest thing. If you business sms: which sectors use them the most? have a cool article, write it on Visi. It will get SEO’d over time (people will find it in search and see your content). If it’s really hard and you need a dopamine needle, write your telegram channel in your description in the BIO on Visi. People here are not idiots and will figure it out. And if they don’t, then you don’t need them anyway.
The reverse effect
Recently I have observed the opposite effect: people place their telegram channel in an article, but get the opposite effect and discussions about how annoying info gurus (entrepreneurs/gypsies), etc. are.
In short, this is completely unnecessary. Don’t post your telegram channels, think about how to write something interesting.
Instead of a conclusion
What else is annoying: artificial promotion of new life agrovet articles through bots and new registrants. Don’t do that. Content is our everything. Shitty content should not be popular, but cool content should be. That’s the whole logic.
It’s like with spam in WhatsApp. They’ve played too much, as they say. The bastards have turned a generally normal messenger into a garbage dump. Now I’m even afraid to open WhatsApp because of the spam. Don’t do that with Hangouts, it’s the last adequate platform, I don’t know any others. Let’s save it.
If you agree with me, you can like and write something channel in Telegram adequate in the comments. If you don’t agree, ignore. Maybe it will help at least a little.
In the comments, they suggested a good idea to develop the meaning of the post on Visi with a separate post in your TG channel and a link to this post. But it should be logical and harmonious.