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The course experts will

We had experience running a business before. The idea to build our own ceramics factory and work with the catering industry became a logical intersection of our interests and skills. A ceramic plant sounds large-scale. But, probably, to launch such production, huge capacities are not ne?

VTo launch no

But then everything depends on how you want to develop your business. We immiately understood that handicraft production was not for this project. We start small, with small areas, but already at the start we laid down a precise, clear growth prospect in the business project. Free course How to Launch a Ceramics Brand tell you how to choose your own style of working with ceramics.

Select materials and equipment

Find clients and go all the way from a beginner ceramicist to a large production with a team of specialists. Kirill: If we talk about casting, mass production of tableware as a business, where you use hir labor and have to make large volumes of identical viber database products, then this is not exactly a small undertaking.


viber database


To start up, you ne to count on about 2.5 million

in start-up capital and immiately look for a room on the first floor with a reserve of electricity and the possibility of expansion. We start with a space linkedin sees the number of its content creators of 60 square meters, and after three months it became clear that this was very little. Another room of 80 square meters became available through the wall, and we took it, built a mezzanine, adding another 20 meters of space.

A room in which it is already possible

To conduct conscious operational activities is at least 150 “squares”. Our premises at the moment are about 250 square meters, and we are catastrophically short of space. Kirill Saloev is the co-founder of the brand “Saloev.” How did you understand the tg data technical nuances, where did you look for information on the equipment? Kirill: We figur it out ourselves. The Saloev project was creat in partnership, where everyone is responsible for a certain area in which they are competent.

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